====== What is the Shop? ======
The shop is where the foods, drinks and other treats live.
The shop is currently in Beta(tm) and feedback/comments are welcome. Shout at .
The shop uses [[https://github.com/revspace/revbank/|RevBank]].
We keep a 57North specific codebase at http://alford.57north.org.uk/57North-Projects/Revbank which can be accessed if you are in space.
====== How do I Shop? ======
===== Add a User =====
Scan 'adduser', scan your username!
If you don't see your username on the list, then you'll need to...
==== Add a Username to the List ====
git clone git@alford.57north.org.uk:57North-Projects/barcode-generator.git
Edit users.txt
to include your name.
Run bash generate.sh
and [[resources:57north:printing]] the resulting users.pdf page!
Don't forget to git push or the next time someone is added you won't get to play.
===== Deposit Cash =====
Scan 'deposit'. Use the small keyboard to type in the amount and press enter. Scan your username.
===== Buy Things =====
Scan the thing's barcode. Scan your username. Enjoy.
===== Check my Balance =====
Scan your username. This also tells you what you've bought.
===== I don't want to sign up =====
Don't worry, we've got you covered. Scan the item, then cash
. Deposit your money in.
Or don't, we're not tracking stock that closely.
====== Notes ======
Yes, I know it's in EUR. No, I don't care, it's entirely arbitrary.
{{tag>project dormant shop}}