LED Ping Pong Pong

We were going to create a pong game, that could use an array of LEDs as a screen.

Rob made an awesome LED array.


And some code for it https://github.com/ormiret/micropython/blob/master/send-udp.py

The code is living in https://github.com/hackerdeen/pong though it's not finished yet.

Notes from IRC

actually that reminds me, andygasman: I “finished” the pingpong ball display (more than a week ago…). It's on the shelf of scotcon stuff above the bench in the workshop. I left a ndoemcu with it that'll drive it from UDP traffic. https://github.com/ormiret/micropython/blob/master/send-udp.py is what I was using to fire data at it. Might need IP updated, depends how sticky DHCP is in the space

Notes and links…