Table of Contents


A (probably outdated) snapshot of the 57North web-of-trust

Spacekeys is a small project by irl to visualise the 57North web-of-trust for OpenPGP keys. It uses sig2dot and graphviz to produce the visualisations. Remember that you should not trust Spacekeys for key discovery, you should always check that you have a trust path from your key via trusted people. There is 'no verification' when new keys are added beyond a basic sanity check.

Adding your key to Spacekeys

Send an email to [|] to request that your key fingerprint is added (don't forget to include the fingerprint!).


The bulk of the logic is contained in a single shell script run by cron job. The KEYS environment variable is set to contain a space separated list of OpenPGP fingerprints.

  gpg --recv-key $KEYS
  gpg --list-keys $KEYS > html/spacekeys/list.txt
  gpg --list-sigs $KEYS | sig2dot -a -s html/spacekeys/table.html > html/
  neato -Tpng html/ > html/spacekeys.png
  neato -Tsvg html/ > html/spacekeys.svg
  dot -Tpng html/ > html/spacekeys-dot.png
  dot -Tsvg html/ > html/spacekeys-dot.svg
  twopi -Tpng html/ > html/spacekeys-twopi.png
  twopi -Tsvg html/ > html/spacekeys-twopi.svg
  circo -Tpng html/ > html/spacekeys-circo.png
  circo -Tsvg html/ > html/spacekeys-circo.svg
  osage -Tpng html/ > html/spacekeys-osage.png
  osage -Tsvg html/ > html/spacekeys-osage.svg

See Also