I plan to bundle at Pi 4B and 5“ touchscreen in a neat package for a few specific uses that tie into my hobbies. The end result will be used as a digimode radio headend for an otherwise headless ICOM 7100 radio, and occasional retroPi gaming device. I planning to use Kali Rolling 2020.1 Debian Buster (plus the hamradio metapackages) and RetroPi OSs. The case will be modelled on an old 90's scavenged serial-to-ethernet adaptor housing I have previously used with a PI 2B and the same screen. Perhaps not the best case shape, but I have grown attached to it.
Starting with my trusty OpenSCAD template, I found that I was able to use combined minkowski functions to get the two types of edge bevelling needed for the look. Like all my OpenSCAD models, it's all based on primitive objects tied to variables, so I can modify the parameters to fit the hardware very easily (e.g. to fit UPS, batteries etc).
An incremental refining of the case will take place in the background. Meanwhile, I have taken delivery of more items related to the Pi4, namely the heatsink and UPS batteries. I had bricked the OS whilst attempting to install the touch-screen drivers, so I diverted to reinstalling the same OS with the updated TS drivers for Kali, getting me ready to start on the I2C UPS comms for battery state tracking. Once I know this works, I can incorporate the UPS and battery space in the case design.
Install order:
hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=1 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0 dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=25,penirq_pull=2,speed=50000,keep_vref_on=0,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=150,xmin=129,xmax=3976,ymin=207,ymax=3975 hdmi_drive=1 hdmi_force_hotplug=1
sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
The hardware has been assembled and python scripts ran to check the hardware heat dissipation and stability. Everything is in the green. I plan to finish the case design for test printing next.