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HackerdeenBot is the 57North IRC bot, built by Ormiret with contributions from others. It is written in Clojure.

HackerdeenBot uses data provided by the SpaceAPI endpoint and can be configured to use any conformant SpaceAPI endpoint.

HackerdeenBot is distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


  • ?histogram - Give a histogram of membership for the last four months.
  • ?rules - List the 57North rules.
  • ?rules [n] - Give the rules, if n is supplied then you get rule n.
  • ?membership - Give the number of people who've paid membership this month and last.
  • ?sensors - Give details of the sensors in the space.
  • ?help - help text.

An Example Session

 16:54 <@adapa> ?help
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> Commands available:
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> ?membership - Give the number of people who've paid membership this month and last.
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> ?histogram - Give a histogram of membership for the last four months
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> ?rules [n] - Give the rules, if n is supplied then you get rule n
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> ?sensors - Give readings from the sensors in the space
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> ?help - This help text
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> ping - Respond with pong
 16:54 <@adapa> ?sensors
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> In the space the temperature is 17.0°C and the humidity is 42.0%
 16:54 <@adapa> ?rules 0
 16:54 < hackerdeenbot> 0. Do not be on fire
 16:55 <@adapa> ping
 16:55 < hackerdeenbot> pong

Source Code

The source code for HackerdeenBot is available on GitHub at

projects/hackerdeenbot.1587246789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/07 20:48 (external edit)